Saturday, January 19, 2013


Today was a busy day for us. The girls had dance class and right afterwards they had a birthday party to attend. I was feeling pretty good when I woke up. And then, things changed. I started feeling a bit nauseous this morning. I actually ate breakfast-cereal at that and a glass of chocolate milk. Well, my nausea worsened. While we were at the birthday party I started to feel extremely nauseous. I felt like was going to throw up. And my breasts are extremely sore(still). My body is just weirding out and playing tricks on me. I know that my husband and I were trying for a baby. But I just don't think that I would be having all of these symptoms this soon. It all started on Wednesday. I still have 2 weeks until I can take a test. The suspense is killing me! My sinuses are feeling much better today. Still a little bit sore in my facial muscles, but feeling better than yesterday. Still working on a headache. Hopefully I will be feeling better on Monday. I just haven't been feeling well enough to make it through a workout. I want to get back into working out. Next week there is a virtual 5K. I signed up for and I am hoping to complete it in under 60mins. Or at 60mins. I found this 5K that is called diva dash. It isn't til like august, but I am stoked. I want to do that so badly! It just looks so fun. And the girls can do a little diva dash. But to be able to do that. I would have to finish the 5K in less than an 1hr and then immediately start the fun dash with the girls. I'm not sure how I would be able to do that. I'll figure something out by then.

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