Sunday, June 3, 2012

Relax day

Today was suppose to be a clean the house, completely day, but somehow it ended up being a chill out and relax day.  I really hate having to spend my one or two days off a week cleaning, but since I tend to work around 10hrs/day, cleaning when I get home is the last thing I want to do.  Sundays has become a day to go to my parents house and hang out and have lunch/dinner, but now we have small group with our new church on Sunday nights.  Our family day will have to change, maybe Saturdays.  I guess we will figure that out. I spend a big part of the afternoon working on a menu plan and what foods we could eat this month.  My goal is to try and use up food that is already in the house, instead of being a bunch of new food that we usually do.  I have figured out almost enough food for the whole month, between meals and leftovers.  I am actually excited. We seem to spend a ton of money on food.  Buying food for the house, and then somehow ended up going out to eat too.  Our goals is to get to the end of the month and not eat out anymore.  We only have 25 more days until we leave to PA.  I am happy about going on our little vacation to see family and friends, but I am still nervous about the flight, and the fact that I have heard rumors that the airline we are flying tend to not be nice to bigger passengers and families with small kids.  So, we will see.  My goal is to workout everyday, whether I can make it to the gym or not, just work out for at least 30 mins.  And no more Dr. Pepper.  I have started to get headaches again, and I think it is because I fell off the wagon, and landed face first. So, here is to tomorrow, day 1 with no Dr. Pepper

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