Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kind of Back at it

Well, today was a wonderful day off!  1st day training in over a week, and 1st day working out in over a week.  I needed a good butt kicking. I have lost 2lbs that I gained since starting work again, but I still have 2 more pounds to lose to get back to what I was at on my stay cation.  It's been really hard.  I only work 5 days this pay week, but it ended up being 60hours. Yikes.  I don't really enjoy working this much, but when you are a nurse, you can't just leave at 3.  You have to make sure you are done with everything.  It makes some days awful long. My training session was good.  Well, I didn't accomplish much at home, gonna do some laundry now. I needed to do some grocery shopping(and then some). Well, I had no idea, that walking around walmart for almost 2 hours would burn that many calories, over 400.  Amazed. Well, I still haven't managed to kick the Dr. Pepper habit again.  I was doing so well, over a month without any Dr. Pepper.  Now, the last couple of day, I have been averaging about 1-2/day.  it was a hard habit to break,and clearly I have to break it again.  I just need to go cold turkey again, like before.  It's a hard road, hopefully someday it will get a little easier.  I did do a test, small test.  I wanted to see how many push-ups & crunches I could do in 1 min.  Well push-ups(girly ones)- I did 32 in 1 min, and crunches I did 32 in 1 min.  Surprisingly.  I am gonna do this every month. I am curious about how it will change and how many I will be able to do in 1 min, if I keep working out losing weight.

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