Friday, April 13, 2012


I have been so stressed out today.  It was a long, extremely stressful day at work.  I needed a serious break.  I am starting to look forward to having a week off next week. There was times today that I wanted a bunching bag and times that I wanted to cry and coming home to cook a meal, in which was gonna take at least an hr was the last thing that I wanted to do. And I have to go back to work in the morning. To add to that, we are having a big storm tonight.  Thunderstorm watch and tornado watch.  It's thundering like crazy. Yesterday and today I have burned at least 1000 calories over what I have consumed.  I am just waiting for the weight to start dropping.  I was a little disappointed this morning when the scale hasn't moved, but I think that maybe I shouldn't weigh myself more than once a week, but some days I just want to see.  I just wish it was as easy to take the weight off as it was to put it on.  Way to much stress today.  I really hope that tomorrow is a lot less stressful than today or I may need a longer vacation than a week.  Big plans for next week while I am staying home. Gonna sort through toys and clothes and figure out to garage sale and what to keep for the girls and us. Also I'm gonna make myself go to the gym everyday and eat healthier.  If I can do it for a whole week straight then it will get easier to do.  I seem to fall apart of my days off so a whole week at home will be a challenge I'm sure.  Wish me luck

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